As we get this data, we need to parse this datas into structure.
Each vertex affects by multiple bones with weighted factor, we need to specify those datas.
This is Animation Vertex Data
Position : 3D Position
Texture Coordinate : Texture Coordinates
Normal : Normal Direction
BoneID 0~3 : Indices of Affecting Bones
Weight 0~3 : Affection Strength
With these datas, we can Interpolate position of each vertices per time frame.
.Anim file included frame data, which means how bones moving in several frames, we need to interpolate vertex position by bone’s transformation data
Each animation frame store every bone’s transformation datas by time factor. We should get transformation matrix by putting time value.
Using Linear Interpolation for translation / scaling factors, Spherical Linear Interpolation for rotation factor.
Put these transformation datas together into 4x4 matrix, now we have bone transformation.
We stored which bone affecting which vertex, and how much they affected, using Bone transformation, we can calculate vertex’s position by time.
Using this transformation, we can get animation object!
Skeletal Animation implemented, but done in CPU, for drawing massive animating objects, it’s too slow.
Because transformation datas stored hierarchically like our body
Head -> Neck -> Spine -> Pelvis …
Like this example, for getting right finger’s transformation data, we need to compute & accumulate transformation in this order
Right Finger Transformation * Arm Right Transformation * Uparm Right Transformation * Neck Transformation * Head transformation
And this interpolation & multiplication costs us a lot, so I moved this calculations to GPU
We need to put all animation datas like, All NodeTransforms, Hierarchical Orders of Nodes, translation keys, scaling keys, rotation keys, offset matrices in order to get proper transformation.
First, we need to get node transform, if it is animated node, it needs interpolation else, use default node’s transformation
Get Node Transform
Every frame have timestamp, we can get interpolated time value between 2 frames timestamp. And use this interpolated timestamp, we can interpolate between translation, rotation, scaling factors
Get Parent Matrix
Then, we need to get parent matrix of this node, we pass hierarchical order to GPU.
Read parent transformation in that order, and accumulate to current node transformation
Out Final Matrix
Almost done! Just check if this node needs offset calculation and store to out buffer.
And apply this bone transformations data to each verex
Looks Good!
But purpose of this technique is to simulate many animations! Let’s draw several kinds of animations!