
Imposter Rendering

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Dynamic Imposter

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GPU Skinning

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#1 Imposter Rendering

Load Model, I used Assimp library.

#2 Skeletal Animation

Then, apply skeletal animation to this object.

#3 Initialize Camera

Now, we need to initialize cameras in 8 different angles.

#4 Capture

Capture object in different angles, store in framebuffer.

#5 Generate Billboard Object

Generate Billboard object, simple quad object that always facing towards camera.

#6 Apply Texture

Apply captures on the billboard object.

Imposter Rendering Done!

#7 Simulation Steps

Angle Computation

Calculate which camera’s capture should be used by calculating angle between camera & object.

Collision Check

Determine whether object was collided with enemy or ally objects.


If object was not collided, move it.


If object was collided with enemy object, attack.

Animation State Change

Determine object’s animation state by it’s current collision state.

Massive Animating Rendering

Massive animating object rendering, couple acceleration methods used in this project. Gpu Skinning, Imposter rendering, Frustum culling


Battle Simulation WIP
